
Senior students at Bass Coast Specialist School consolidate their learning and use the skills they have acquired through the years for real life applications.

Students are given the tools to slowly transition from school life into a fulfilling career beyond Bass Coast Specialist School.

Teachers balance the educational requirements of the Victorian Curriculum with students’ interests to create individual student-driven learning plans.

Many successful fund raising projects such as The Biggest Morning Tea and market day, canteen and coffee club are initiated and led by students with the assistance of a dedicated team of staff members.

This year, our students have been participating in a school based SBAT pre-apprenticeship training and are learning some important work and life skills.

We nourish a strong bond with the community by participating in events that fortify our relationship with the local library, the YMCA, the local police and other groups such as Lions and Rotary Club.

Our artistic endeavours have been demonstrated in our annual school concert and at the Paraeisteddfod Music Festival in Warragul, the Focus on Ability Film Festival (National Winners in 2017) and various art installations at the library.

More importantly, we strive to make our students feel a sense of worth in everything they do and give them the confidence to achieve their aspirations beyond school.

We believe interpersonal and social relationships are central to a successful education and we undertake every effort to give them invaluable tools to navigate through life beyond school.

Above all, we work together so our students build strong relationships with their friends, families and community.